Tuesday, December 31, 2013

woosh ...

... there it goes, another year. My first as a school mum, the forth for this blog, the seventh for my little one and the sixtieth for my father - the most generous, kind and caring dad anyone could ever ask for.

Janis House Photography has this year continued to grow with the 2014 wedding season nearly booked up and with an extended family of followers and supporters thanks to social media.

Each year I always to resolve to run more and eat less but well that usually goes by the wayside by around January 2nd so I'll simply resolve to post pictures more here, to enjoy more of the little things and to make the most of our planned adventure north later in 2014.

Thanks again for your support and encouragement - Happy New Year

Janis xx

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

again ...

And once again Christmas has come and gone. This year saw us having lunch at home combined with a couple of visits to the beach - the first early in the morning to walk the four legged furry family member and then another after lunch to test out the new boards. Thank goodness for this fabulous weather - I think the excitement over the new pink surfboard would have had us at the beach regardless of the conditions! 

Wishing you all a fabulous Christmas xx

Friday, December 13, 2013

the spirit ...

I don't think that even Wally has it yet ...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

take a peek...

so we have many Christmas traditions in our house, most of them involving the beach, the bbq and relaxing however thrown in with ultimate Somers Christmas is a trip to the city to see the Myer Christmas windows and to enjoy the large scale decorations that the town centre has on offer xx

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

quickly quickly...

...with December fast approaching I guess it's time that I get started on the pic for my Christmas cards - oh yeah I'm on old fashioned stay up late card writing kind of girl. My original vision of a snowman made of sand didn't quite come to fruition but some other ideas have popped up - I'll be sure to share as the season approaches xx

Friday, November 22, 2013

to travel...

I don't feel that I have done a massive amount of travel however every little bit that I have done I have very much loved. These little jars hold a few bits and pieces from each of my adventures, some of course when I was young and carefree and now from travels to destinations that have kids club! 

Taking pride of place on my new bookshelf I can't help but look at them and wonder where will be next...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I was on my way home....

...but I kind of got distracted! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cup Craze

Cup weekend is fast becoming my favourite of all the long weekends. I love the feeling of excited anticipation for the coming festive season without the actual madness that the coming months bring. Although this weekend marks the start of a crazy busy period of both work and family commitments it was great to seriously just sit about and relax today. Apparently somewhere there was a horse race on, not that the furry locals who stopped by for a visit could have cared xx

Thursday, October 31, 2013

an eggcelent time

nothing says Somers Arts Fair now quite like the Eggathon - put simply a chicken walks around the fair selling "eggs" that will be later thrown between teams of two over an ever-increasing distance - the team who lasts the longest without breaking their egg as the distance increases wins! I didn't capture a pic of the egg shaped perpetual trophy but believe me it's impressive - something a few Somers folk are keen to get their name on to xx

Monday, October 21, 2013

tropical vibe...

I think I was designed for a warmer climate, one where the day starts with a swim in the pool and with breakfast on the deck, where your washing drys in a matter of minutes and where the orchids and frangipani naturally bloom xx

Friday, October 11, 2013

trouble makers...

...just a little community watch report about these two trouble makers spotted on Lord Somers Rd today where falling pinecones were a plenty! 

It's really not too bad when this is all we have to report xx

Monday, October 7, 2013


Well the holidays are over and she's back at school, I guess for me that means back in the office and getting up to date.

Here are few pics from a school holiday visit to McClelland Gallery - an amazing place to visit and ideal for a relaxing wander xx

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


It has been suggested that professionally I need to have a profile pic of myself online and the nuts thing about this is that as a photographer I actually detest having my photo taken! 

So a selfie (it's a real word in the Oxford now) it is, here are my best efforts so far.....

Monday, September 23, 2013

run up...

apparently the best slides are achieved when (and only when) one has the perfect run up and apparently summer is here - for today anyway!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

pick up...

and its always guaranteed to rain at pick up time, what's with that? 

Friday, August 30, 2013


I love the whole yarn bombing movement however what I love more is that a clever local has taken it just one step further with these knitted delights appearing around town....only in Somers.... 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

under foot...

whilst walking along the beach this morning I decided that it would be ideal if my bathroom floor tiles could look just like the rocks do here on the beach.

A perfect mix of browns with an ideal amount of texture....now how do I go about this getting something like this? 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I've never had the ability to sleep in, and I'm kind of happy about that.

After a big night with the girls in city I headed out with my camera in hand to have some fun and to see Melbourne waking up.
(whilst finding a good strong coffee)

Friday, July 26, 2013

oh dear...

...it's seems that I have lost July, my month to catch up is nearly over and well I've been busy doing lots of fun stuff including getting ready for this years Somers Art Fair - Sunday October 27th @ Somers Primary School. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I've always thought that where we lived was gold! 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

social butterfly...

I make friends wherever I go, I think this one especially liked that my shoe colour matched his ball! 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

and now I do...

... Instagram

So I have to admit to been a little behind when it comes to social media but I have recently  caught on to Instagram and am loving the interaction that I have with my followers and with those who I follow. 

But before you take a peek please remember that the Instagram pics have been captured on the iphone unless stated otherwise! 

And in an effort to get even more technical (or to just further confuse myself) some of these Instagram pics are shared on my business facebook page along with lots of other bits and pieces from Janis House Photography.

You can follow me on Instagram - HERE

or on my Facebook page here -HERE

Monday, June 24, 2013

did you see it...

captured last night from Hastings jetty....

Saturday, June 22, 2013

cold starts...

I have a friend who has a local radio show and during his Thursday morning show he put out a call for me provide him with a photo of the mornings sunrise. 
Here's what I could provide him with my reluctant 6 year old assistant in tow.
A big thanks to my gorgeous friend for making me a coffee whilst I walked around her farm and to the assistant for simply been the ace little thing that she is.
stay warm...........janis xx

listen local - http://rppfm.com.au/

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

heading south...

I've just returned from an amazing long weekend in Tasmania where I attended the Australian Institue of Professional Photographers annual conference.

 The highlight for me was the incredible workshop on Bruny Island with the talented Richard Bennet and Jill Mure. 

Hobart is seriously gorgeous even with it's freezing conditions and persistant rain and Bruny Island - well it's just paradise.

Any boat rides that involve a full length wet weather suit is bound to be fun!

The boat ride to Bruny was both fast and rough however incredibly picturesque. 

Richard Bennet - an incredibly talented inspiration who was so forthcoming with help and advice. 

Not a bad spot to cook up the catch of the day. 

Yum, thanks for the amazing food Jill Mure.

I hope to visit again when the weather is a little kinder - when I can climb to this point and not be saturated from the rain. 

15 years later ...

 I don't why or how often or what relevance it has ... but the blog is back. A journal of sorts ... not too deep and meaningful ... just...