Wednesday, June 19, 2013

heading south...

I've just returned from an amazing long weekend in Tasmania where I attended the Australian Institue of Professional Photographers annual conference.

 The highlight for me was the incredible workshop on Bruny Island with the talented Richard Bennet and Jill Mure. 

Hobart is seriously gorgeous even with it's freezing conditions and persistant rain and Bruny Island - well it's just paradise.

Any boat rides that involve a full length wet weather suit is bound to be fun!

The boat ride to Bruny was both fast and rough however incredibly picturesque. 

Richard Bennet - an incredibly talented inspiration who was so forthcoming with help and advice. 

Not a bad spot to cook up the catch of the day. 

Yum, thanks for the amazing food Jill Mure.

I hope to visit again when the weather is a little kinder - when I can climb to this point and not be saturated from the rain. 


  1. Hi Janis, I love reading your blog and your images always tell the "story" so well... can I ask where you studied/trained in the photography industry? My plan is to study photography once my babies aren't babies anymore and would love to hear any advice or guidance you'd like to share. Thanks, Tenniell.

  2. Great pics Janis! I don't envy you that boat trip but I DO envy you those incredibly delicious Tasmanian mussels!!


15 years later ...

 I don't why or how often or what relevance it has ... but the blog is back. A journal of sorts ... not too deep and meaningful ... just...