Wednesday, September 5, 2012


There is someone near and dear to me who is having a fairly major tidy up at the minute and in doing so has uncovered some treasure in the form of old vintage cameras and other bits of photographic equipment. 

Destined for recycling I just had to snap them up and have a play, their sturdy bodys and easy to use mechanics are simply divine and their tough leather cases display wrinkles of time. As I play around I wonder about the images that they have captured over the years and also where they have been taken and on what special occasions or holidays they were used.

These won't be heading to landfill any time soon (at all), I'm going to play some more, perhaps even put a roll of film through some and well the super old and obscure may even end of on my office shelf. I don't know anything about vintage cameras but plan to find out more. 

Thanks - you know who you are! 

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