Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cooped up... with this wet and windy weather we have been feeling a little bit cooped up of late so decided that some exploring was indeed necessary this morning. The beaches of Western Port are my childhood stomping ground with many a weekend spent looking for crabs and sailing along the coast. I love the muddy mangroves and the different coastal environment that they provide. Yes it was cold and boy was it windy but it was great to get out and have some fun - not one crab was found even there was evidence of their existence - next time perhaps.....

Sunday, June 24, 2012

when life hands you lemons... make lemon butter!

Well it wasn't life handing them to me but the Vince family - thanks guys, I hope you enjoy the butter, feel free to move any more of those yummy yellow jewels my way! It was my first attempt at Lemon Butter today and I must say that I pretty impressed with the results - a perfect way to spend a Sunday in the kitchen. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

to make a house a home...

So these past few days I have had the fabulous task of transforming our newly renovated house into a family home and well nothing says home to me like Grandma House's glass canisters. 

Containing all of my daily essentials I can't help but smile when opening them each and every day and when doing so it reminds me of just how lucky I am to have the fond memories of her. Mavis' home was always warm and welcoming and her afternoon teas were something special. With a garden that we could explore for hours and a comfy lounge for cuddles and watching the footy on I can only hope that others feel about my home the way I remember hers. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

color burst

just a little pop of color on what seems to be a somewhat grey day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hi Venus!

A big thanks to Jo for telling me about todays passing of Venus between the Earth and the Sun. I do know that you are not supposed to look at it directly however it's not going to happen for another 105 years so I just had to take a look. With the help of some "oh so incorrect" (yes that's a technical term I often use) settings I was able to capture a few pics to take a look. 

You have to admit that it was pretty cool to today be able to look up and say Hi Venus!

15 years later ...

 I don't why or how often or what relevance it has ... but the blog is back. A journal of sorts ... not too deep and meaningful ... just...