Monday, December 5, 2011

taking flight... today my fairies officially took flight with the arrival of my seasonal marketing material.

The first unaddressed mail delivery is due to occur later today to Somers Post Boxes and it's fair to say that I am just a little bit excited!

Promoting both this blog together with Janis House Photography I just had to use the priceless image of the 7 little fairies lined up at the Somers General Store for front of the card. 

Who wouldn't smile when looking at this image?

Here are a few more pics from our fun-filled fairy day out...


  1. ADORABLE!!! Congratulations Janis.
    From Kerry.

  2. Love it, love it, love it!!! Zoe xo


15 years later ...

 I don't why or how often or what relevance it has ... but the blog is back. A journal of sorts ... not too deep and meaningful ... just...