Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Somers Fairies

Somers is right now ripe with Fairy Houses and these little delights are ideal for sparking the inquiring toddler mind. Many wondrous fairy stories have been told of late and I don't think that we are anywhere close to being tired of them!


  1. I can just see the little fairies making hay while the sun shines

  2. Wicked Picks J, Hows Wally??

  3. I brought the top image of the toadstool today at the somers market. It is hung on my impending arrival's nursery wall. I can't wait to tell stories of the fairies and their magical home to my wee one. Such a beautiful photo!


day eleventy billion ...

  ... here in our bubble.  You see, some people didn't do what they were told. Some people behaved in a manner that helped to spread the...