Wednesday, November 27, 2013

quickly quickly...

...with December fast approaching I guess it's time that I get started on the pic for my Christmas cards - oh yeah I'm on old fashioned stay up late card writing kind of girl. My original vision of a snowman made of sand didn't quite come to fruition but some other ideas have popped up - I'll be sure to share as the season approaches xx

Friday, November 22, 2013

to travel...

I don't feel that I have done a massive amount of travel however every little bit that I have done I have very much loved. These little jars hold a few bits and pieces from each of my adventures, some of course when I was young and carefree and now from travels to destinations that have kids club! 

Taking pride of place on my new bookshelf I can't help but look at them and wonder where will be next...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I was on my way home....

...but I kind of got distracted! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cup Craze

Cup weekend is fast becoming my favourite of all the long weekends. I love the feeling of excited anticipation for the coming festive season without the actual madness that the coming months bring. Although this weekend marks the start of a crazy busy period of both work and family commitments it was great to seriously just sit about and relax today. Apparently somewhere there was a horse race on, not that the furry locals who stopped by for a visit could have cared xx

15 years later ...

 I don't why or how often or what relevance it has ... but the blog is back. A journal of sorts ... not too deep and meaningful ... just...