Sunday, March 31, 2013

chocolate coma...

Easter Sunday was today met with all the fanfare and fuss that myself and the sensational six year old could conjure. 
Lots of food and brilliant lunch guests together with way too much chocolate and a great day was had by all.

Happy Easter xx

Saturday, March 30, 2013

and yes...

I think that Summer is officially over, we can pack away the beach gear and start to enjoy crisp autumn mornings xx

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

flower fest...

...together with my best garden loving friend I today headed to the Melbourne International Garden & Flower Show. There was inspiration a plenty with amazing floral displays, stunning yet achievable gardens and new products by the bucketload. However it was the breathtaking display by TNB Tulips that won my award for Best In Show - who wouldn't want a garden full of these this spring?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

early start... I'm up and at the computer early this morning. You see I was a guest a fabulous wedding yesterday for which I was also the photographer. Very soon I'll be heading to breakfast with the bride and groom and their families and am excited to present them a small album of the captured moments. Through the rain, wind and sun the day was amazing and a great time was had by all xx

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Just in case....(for vincey)

I have a mate who has rather convincingly made me consider that each visit to the beach may just be the last for the season. So we should make it last, and not be in a rush to get home. Todays visit turned into dinner, ended after the sun went down and well after my little assistants bedtime. However if it does turn out to be the last night on the beach for the season I'll be thankful to him for reminding me to make the most if it - thanks vincey! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

and she's off...

I've been recently thinking about how we all have these skills that we simply take for granted. 

Our big schoolgirl is now starting to learn to read and wow, it's a journey that takes some time and is deeply involved. I can't remember not been able to read and love to pick up a book or magazine whenever I get a chance, I can understand how she is finding this new adventure both frustrating and fantastic at the same time.

Today we tackled the bike with no training wheels, much easier than learning to read and well even the Wally dog was involved. 

Now to ride the bike to school for those reading lessons! 

15 years later ...

 I don't why or how often or what relevance it has ... but the blog is back. A journal of sorts ... not too deep and meaningful ... just...