Thursday, January 31, 2013

and today...

we started the school journey............

Monday, January 21, 2013

location location..

It was the Emu Plains market again on Saturday and what a great day it was. Now when it comes to the location of ones stall many stallholders may prefer to be near the coffee, the food or near the entrance but in my mind I have hit the market stallholders real estate jackpot with a site right next to the children's play area. Complete with animal farm and face painting my little ones day was more than what she could have imagined! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

suns out...

the suns out without the wind and it's not too hot - time for a picnic outdoors!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

a random smile...

I spotted these guys whilst picking up some bakery supplies this morning and couldn't help but to capture a pic or two - there is actually another in there but he was a bit camera shy.

I've resolved that in the New Year I am to have a camera on me at all times so as to be able to capture the little random things like this that make me smile.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

party time...

so today the fabulous yet feisty five year old became the sassy yet sensational six year old and what better way to do it than with a teddy bears picnic @ Coolart - Happy Birthday Little Miss Woods xx

...and also today this little blog turned three! 

15 years later ...

 I don't why or how often or what relevance it has ... but the blog is back. A journal of sorts ... not too deep and meaningful ... just...