Thursday, March 31, 2011


.....for some time to stop and enjoy the sunshine....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a day at home......

...time for baking and hanging out at the cubby house cafe.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

a pop of colour

I don't always appreciate the blue feature wall in our lounge, however with the sun streaming in and a vase of pink Liliums it seems to be just perfect.

Monday, March 7, 2011

an evening splash about

a perfect a way to end a busy start to the week - a late afternoon splash in front of the yacht club.
with the warm sun on our backs and the cool water at our feet it felt like Summer was still here, however the coming cool days and expected rain will no doubt change this!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

meet my girls....

Remy, Noelene, Elisha and Miley

thanks girls xx

it's wet, it's windy and it's march.....

have we said goodbye to summer? did we ever say hello?

with the forecast for warm weather this weekend I have a garden to do list ready to be tackled, if you're out and about you'll see outside me making the most of what I hope won't be the final burst of warm weather whilst tackling some rather mighty weeds and a few too many overgrown plants.

15 years later ...

 I don't why or how often or what relevance it has ... but the blog is back. A journal of sorts ... not too deep and meaningful ... just...